Gifting Promotional Product Swag Software - Cloud Ratings

Defning Gifting / Promotional Product / Swag Software:

Cloud Ratings has decided to merge the “Gifting Software,” “Promotional Products Software,” and “Swag Management Software” categories due to their signifcant overlap in core functionalities and user personas. Gifting Software streamlines the purchase and distribution of corporate gifts to customers, prospective customers, and employees. In addition to cost-effcient gift sourcing and sending, Gifting Software provides consistent branding, data tracking, and integrations with other software suites, especially CRM and marketing automation tools. The terms “swag” and “promotional products” are interchangeable and refer to company-branded physical promotional materials such as logo apparel, mugs, pens, stickers, and other items. Both “Promotional Products Software” and “Swag Management Software” offer features such as sourcing, sending, storage, inventory management, data tracking, and integration with other software tools.

Adjacent Category: For coverage of the core competency of automating the creation, sending, and tracking of physical mail (like letters, postcards, and other marketing materials), please refer to our Category Report for Direct Mail Automation Software.


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