Gifting Promotional Product Swag Software - Cloud Ratings

Thnks - Product Excellence ● Reviews: ○ G2 Thnks Reviews ● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ Thnks Pricing ○ SwagUp Integration


Cloud Ratings Category Report process combines private vendor responses to our Request For Information (RFI) with publicly visible measures of market adoption and customer satisfaction.

All vendors are presented with the opportunity to complete the RFI.

The Cloud Ratings RFI focuses on measures of:

● Customer Satisfaction: Greatest weight is given to internal Net Promoter Score (NPS) data. Why? Certain software vendors are skilled at driving (and often incentivizing) happy customers to submit reviews to popular software directories. This can lead to situations where publicly observable vendor reviews are more favorable than the “silent majority” of customers that do not submit to software review platforms. As such, Cloud Ratings’ use of private NPS data provides a more holistic view of customer experiences. To measure adoption and implementation risk, signifcant consideration is also given to vendor responses regarding severely negative customer outcomes and retention rates.


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