Ranked Direct Mail Automation Software vendors included Contact Pigeon, Lob, PFL, Cardly, PostGrid, Switch, and Postalytics
Direct Mail Automation Software
Defning Direct Mail Automation Software:
Many defnitions of direct mail automation software have broadened to include the sending of gifts, swag, and promotional products. Cloud Ratings Category Report focuses on the core competency of automating the creation, sending, and tracking of physical mail (like letters, postcards, and other marketing materials).
For coverage of gifting and swag management vendors, please refer to our Category Report for Gifting / Swag / Promotional Product Software.
Cloud Ratings Chart for Direct Mail Automation:
Over 17,000 customer ratings (inclusive of vendor-supplied NPS data) factored into our category assessment:
Chart Quadrant Summary:
(Presented Alphabetically by Quadrant)
Leaders - High Market Adoption + High Customer Ratings : Contact Pigeon Lob
Market Excellence - High Market Adoption : PFL
Product Excellence - High Customer Ratings : Cardly PostGrid Switch
Challenger - Market + Customer Validation : Postalytics
Direct Mail Automation Software Vendors:
(Presented Alphabetically)
Cardly - Product Excellence ● Reviews: ○ G2 Cardly Reviews ● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ Cardly Pricing ○ Cardly Integrations
ContactPigeon - Leader ● Reviews:
○ Capterra ContactPigeon Reviews ○ G2 ContactPigeon Reviews ○ Gartner ContactPigeon Reviews ○ TrustRadius ContactPigeon Reviews
● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ ContactPigeon Pricing
○ ContactPigeon Integrations
Lob - Leader
● Reviews:
○ Capterra Lob Reviews ○ G2 Lob Reviews ○ TrustRadius Lob Reviews ● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ Lob Pricing ○ Lob Integrations
PFL - Market Excellence ● Reviews:
○ G2 PFL Reviews ○ TrustRadius PFL Reviews ● Vendor-Provided Information:
○ PFL Pricing - Contact Vendor ○ PFL Integrations
Postalytics - Challenger ● Reviews:
○ Capterra Postalytics Reviews ○ G2 Postalytics Reviews
● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ Postalytics Pricing ○ Postalytics Integration
PostGrid - Product Excellence ● Reviews:
○ Capterra PostGrid Reviews ○ G2 PostGrid Reviews ○ TrustRadius PostGrid Reviews
● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ PostGrid Pricing ○ PostGrid Integrations
Switch - Product Excellence ● Reviews:
○ Capterra Switch Reviews ○ G2 Switch Reviews ● Vendor-Provided Information: ○ Switch Pricing ○ Switch Integrations
Cloud Ratings Category Report process combines private vendor responses to our Request For Information (RFI) with publicly visible measures of market adoption and customer satisfaction.
All vendors are presented with the opportunity to complete the RFI.
The Cloud Ratings RFI focuses on measures of:
● Customer Satisfaction: Greatest weight is given to internal Net Promoter Score (NPS) data. Why? Certain software vendors are skilled at driving (and often incentivizing) happy customers to submit reviews to popular software directories. This can lead to situations where publicly observable vendor reviews are more favorable than the “silent majority” of customers that do not submit to software review platforms. As such, Cloud Ratings’ use of private NPS data provides a more holistic view of customer experiences. To measure adoption and implementation risk, signifcant consideration is also given to vendor responses regarding severely negative customer outcomes and retention rates. ● Market Adoption: The RFI covers a range of traction metrics, including but not limited to revenue, revenue growth, and the current number of customers. Why? Vendors can appear to have an artifcially high market share through aggressive marketing spend, public relations, and skillful solicitation of reviews to software directories. Accordingly, Cloud Ratings’ use of RFI-derived information helps provide software buyers with a more realistic view of market adoption.
Shaded Areas of Category Chart: Each category of software has a unique likelihood of generating business value and positive experiences for customers. Accordingly, Cloud Ratings customizes the shaded surface area for each category as a visual representation of the zones of positive customer outcomes. A category with higher risk or lower satisfaction ratings (like ERP or HR software) will have smaller Zones of Excellence and Zones of Solutions than a safer, higher satisfaction category. For Direct Mail Automation Software, a normalized customer rating score of 4.60 (on a 5.00 scale) was used in setting the Zones’ surface area.
Zone of Excellence (Light Green): This represents a category’s strongest vendors as refected by their combination of market share and high customer satisfaction scores.
Zone of Solutions (Light Yellow): Encompasses vendors with both meaningful marketplace adoption and suffciently high absolute customer satisfaction ratings.
Notable Vendor: This distinction highlights other vendors identifed in the research process as worthy of buyer consideration. Common reasons for Notable Vendors to not be featured in the Category Chart include differing levels of product focus (a secondary feature within a broader suite) or comparatively lower market adoption metrics, especially for earlier-stage companies. Momentum: Derived from sources like RFI-sourced vendor growth metrics and buyer search interest, the Momentum indicator compares a category’s growth rate with overall information technology (IT) spending growth. Risk: Infuenced by RFI-sourced vendor NPS and adverse outcomes data, the Risk indicator compares the risk profle of a software category to software applications generally. The distribution of strongly negative public user reviews also factors into the Risk indicator level.
Cloud Ratings Disclaimer:
Cloud Ratings research analysis and publications represent opinions - expressed at a specifc moment in time - and should not be viewed as statements of fact.
Cloud Ratings is not responsible for any incorrect information supplied by vendors, customers of vendors, or derived from publicly accessible information.
Cloud Ratings assumes no liability for damages resulting from the application or usage of information, content, or research.
Cloud Ratings disclaims all warranties as to the commercial success or outcome of any resulting business activities, vendor selections, or investment decisions from the information provided.
Cloud Ratings does not endorse any solution or service named in its research.
All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used in this report and website are for identifcation purposes only.
About Us:
Cloud Ratings is a customer outcomes-focused, data-driven software research analyst frm. We exist to allow organizations to make more confdent, lower-risk software purchasing decisions.
Built upon investigative customer interviews, our True ROI Reports quantify and provide 3rd party validation of a software product’s business value.
Our Cloud Ratings Category Reports combine user reviews with verifed vendor data to impartially identify leading software products.
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